Lyrebird Doc wins at legendary Luis Buñuel Awards

The creature co-existence film The Message of the Lyrebird has won the award for Film on Nature/Environment/Wildlife at the Luis Buñuel Memorial Awards (LBMA).

The event is a monthly screening film festival, which takes place in the cultural capital of India organised by L’Age d’Or International Art-house Film Festival (LIAFF).

LBMA is dedicated to showcasing innovative and exciting works by risk-taking filmmakers from around the world, who put their heart and soul to tell a story, even if the budget is small or no recognisable name is involved. The festival also selects films that represent the spirit of artistic activism – the creative force that educates us, influences our notions about human relationships, and brings about social change. 

The Bunuel honour hands Lyrebird its 2nd award in India and 7th overall award since release in New York, October 2021.

The selection of winning films will screen March 14th at the Rotary Sadan in Kolkata. The film now automatically becomes nominated for the prestigious annual Pigeon D’or Awards®.

Above: images from Benuel films

 About Luis Buñuel

The legendary Luis Buñuel was the father of cinematic surrealism and one of the most original directors in the history of the film medium. In his films, he would often include an animal in a scene, where they seem out of place.

The Discreet Charm Of The Bourgeoisie is one of Luis Bunuel's best known works, thanks to winning an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. 

In 1961 Buñuel also won The Palme d'Or at Cannes Film Festival with the film Viridiana. In 2016, the movie was voted the best Spanish film of all time, organized by Spanish film magazine Caimán Cuadernos de Cine.

His film L’Age d’Or, commonly translated as The Golden Age or Age of Gold, is a 1930 French surrealist satirical comedy film about the insanities of modern life.

Above: The insanity of modern life – logging old-growth forest. Production still from The Message of the Lyrebird.


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